Thursday, July 5, 2012

Examples of slow (long exposure) and fast shutter speed

Here are a few photographs/ photographers who create unique images through the manipulation of shutter speed. (These are good examples for the Year 9 Photo Challenge)

Long exposures/ slow shutter speed

1. Lincoln Harrison

Star trail long exposures in Australia desert.

2. Joel James Devlin

Capturing the effects of moving light through long exposure photographs.

(Super) fast shutter speed

 1. Alberto Seveso

Underwater ink photographs caught on high speed camera.


2. Mark Mawson

Again, capturing ink mixing with water on high speed.

3. Jonathan Robert Willis and Tadao Cern

 Wind (JRW) /  gale force winds (TD) blown directly to the face and frozen with fast shutter speed.



1 comment:

  1. Tadao Cern extends the project by slowing down film footage of winds in faces.
